Convert kn/m2 to pound/square foot - Conversion of ...
1 x 0.00070306957964239 kgf/mm2 = 0.00070306957964239 Kilogram Force Per Square Millimeter. Always check the results; rounding errors may occur. Definition: In relation to the base unit of [pressure] => (pascals), 1 Psi (psi) is equal to 6894.7572932 pascals, while 1 Kilogram Force Per Square Millimeter (kgf/mm2) = 9806650 pascals. Conversion Factor Table - University of Idaho lbf (pound force) 32.174 lbm·ft / s 2 lbf 4.44822 N lbf 32.17 poundals lbf / in2 (psi) 0.06805 atm lbf / in2 2.307 ft water lbf / in2 2.036 in Hg lbf / in2 6894.757 Pa lbm 0.45359237* kg lbm 0.031081 slug lbm / in3 1728 lbm / ft3 lbm / ft3 0.016018 g / cm3 lbm / ft3 16.018 kg / m3 m (meter) 3.28083 ft m 1.0926 yard m 39.370 in m2 1550 in2 m2 Konversi Satuan - Blogger Sep 18, 2012 · 1 lb / s = 0,4536 kg / s; 1 lb / menit = 7.56x10 -3 kg Untuk konversi lebih tepat berkonsultasi dengan sumber temperatur mas mau minta tolong.saya ada kotak volumenya 2m3 dengan temperatur 40 derajat celcius jika di konversi ke watt butuh daya berapa watt atau berapa joule tau konversi untuk menghitung daya yang di perlukan untuk
Some are obvious, such as pounds per square inch, but even the SI standard 1000. pound per square foot. lb/ft2. pascal. 47.88025. pound per square inch. The pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units. It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch. In SI units, 1 psi is approximately equal to 6895 N/m. P Pa = P PSI × ( 0.45359237 kg × 9.80665 m / s 2 ) / lbf ( 0.0254 m / in ) 2 Alternatively, the value to be converted can be entered as follows: '75 psf to kN/ m2' or '75 psf into kN/m2' or '81 Pound per square foot -> kN/m2' or '24 psf = kN/ m2 meter (N/m2 or kg/m.s2 - prior to 1971 the unit was simply known as N/m2). Non-SI measures in common use are pounds per square inch (psi) and bar. 1 ft2 (square foot). = 0.09290304 m2 (square meter). 1 acre. = 43 560 ft2 1 gal at 4° Celsius (39.2° Fahrenheit). = 8.3359 lb. 1 lb. = 0.45359 kg (kilogram). GSM aka g/m² = grams per square meter; oz/yd2 = ounces per yard squared; 1 gram = 0.03527 ounces (Convert grams to ounces); 1 lb = 16 oz = 453.59237 9 Jan 2013 Subscribe Now: ehoweducation Watch More:
cukipz: Satuan Konversi untuk Pembebanan Satuan Konversi untuk Pembebanan 1 mpa = 1000 kpa = 1 ksi lb (pon) = 0044482 kN. klb (kilopon) = 4.4482 kN. Diposting oleh cukipz di Maaf bagaimana caranya mengubah 10 kg/m2 ke Kn(kilonewton)menggunakan tangga stuan. Balas … kg/m3 to lbs/ft2 - OnlineConversion Forums Nov 26, 2013 · To convert kg/m³ to lb/ft³ (Customary density) divide by 16.01846. (Multiply to go the other way). If an area A is cover by a uniform layer of thickness, h, the volume is Ah. Therefore if you multiply the above conversion in lb/ft³ by the thickness in feet, you will get areal density, lb… Konversi Berat, Kilogram -
Konversi ke satuan energi lainnya, 1 ft2 = 0,3048 m x 0,3048 m = 0,0929 m2. Atau 1m2 = 1 ft2/0,0929 = 10,7642 ft2. 3.3. Satuan Ruang atau Volume ( L3 ) Bila dalam Sistim MLT, satuan P. adalah (N/m2) x (m3/kg) menjadi N.m/kg atau J/kg yang juga satuan energy per satuan massa. Jadi satuan enthalpy sama dengan satuan internal energy yaitu
DAFTAR KONVERSI SATUAN | Delta_Engineer Sep 10, 2012 · DAFTAR KONVERSI SATUAN PANJANG 1 ft = 12 in 1 in = 25,4 mm 1 mile = 5280 ft = 1760 yd = 1,609 km 1 km = 3281 ft = 1093,6 yd = 0,6214 LUAS 1 in2 = 6,452 cm2 1 in2 = 1550 in2 = 10,76 ft2 = 1,196 yd2 o VOLUME 1… Convert Psf To T/m2 - Lb/ft2 To T/m2, Psf To T/m2, Lb/ft2 ... Pound Per Square Foot (abbreviations: psf, or lb/ft2): is a British (Imperial) and American pressure unit which is directly related to the psi pressure unit by a factor of 144 (1 sq ft = 12 in x 12 in = 144 sq in).Where, 1 pound per square foot equals 47.8803 pascals. Tonne Per Meter Cube (abbreviations: t/m2, or tpm2): is the SI derived unit of pressure used to quantify internal … Pound Square Foot to Kilogram Square Meter Conversion ... Pound Square Foot : The pound square foot is a unit of moment of inertia in the Imperial Units and US Customary units. Its official symbol is lb•ft². It is equal to 0.0421401100938 kilogram meter². Kilogram Square Meter : The kilogram square meter is a derived unit of moment of inertia in the SI system. Its symbol is kg•m². Faktor Konversi Satuan Panjang, Luas, Volume, Massa ...